This download includes 4x6 editable cards that can be used to make a memory book. All the cards are 4x6 so they can easily be used with a photo album. I like to use a simple plastic photo album as pictured on the next page. Included you will find various designs to be used as the front cover of the book. It’s fun for the patient to pick their favorite design and make it their own! Each front cover card has a circle or square design where the patient’s name can be typed in.
A blank card is paired with each front card design. The blank card is also editable for typing and can be used throughout the book including information specific to the patient, pictures of common areas, pictures of people, schedule, etc. There are two editing layouts for each blank card. One layout is centered on the card for typed information. The second layout has a text option to the right of the card so a picture can be placed on the left side if needed. Pictures can not be downloaded onto the card, instead they will need to be printed and placed next to the text.
An example of the second layout option is show in the download preview.