Included in this document are three different schedules. I use these schedules when targeting orientation and recall with my cognitive patients. The first schedule targets therapy treatment sessions. I often hear, “Which therapy was that?” or “Did I have any therapy yet?” Boxes are placed next to the meal listed for the patient or caregiver to check off as the day progresses. One schedule includes PT/OT/ST and the second therapy schedule includes PT/OT/ST/RT. The second schedule targets meal times. I’ve included two variations because some of my patients prefer to say dinner for lunch and supper for dinner. A lines is placed at the top to include the date, DOW, etc. to increase orientation. The last schedule targets morning routine. I like to place this visual in the patient’s bathroom for functionality and as a reminder. Boxes are placed next to all activities listed for the patient or caregiver to check off as the day progresses.
*Laminate all schedules in order to be used with a dry erase marker.